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Welcome to the new FWGS web-site!

Hello and a warm welcome to the new FWGS web-site.

It has been reconstructed from scratch using the Wix site builder tool, following the demise of the Microsoft SharePoint Online "public facing web-site" tool used to build the previous site - demise details here, if you're interested.

Hopefully the tool will be easier for the club members to use to keep the content up-to-date, easier to expand the interactivity, and hopefully Wix, the tool vendor, will have some longevity and commitment to the web-site builder marketplace (yeah, same to you Microsoft).

We have launched with some areas still under migration - they have been constructed, but the content is still being migrated from the old site.

Moving forward, the new technology should also provide us with a platform for competition management - leagues, pools, knockouts, etc. - and even an online campaign game / management app!

If this evolves to FWGS having virtual "e-members" - those who use the online facilities and apps, but due to home location, distance, and other factors do not attend the club regularly - as well as "real" club night members, then so be it.

The drive at the moment is to get the Valhalla 2016 pages and content up and running, together with club details. The epoch pages and more will follow later.



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